Leslie Knipfing (born on November 17, 1974) is an American citizen.
She is famous for being the sister of actors and comedians Kevin James and Gary Valentine, known for their roles in The King of Queens.
Here, we are talking about some unknown facts & some interesting facts about Leslie Knipfing. Let’s start the journey.
Leslie Knipfing Profile Summary | |
Name | Leslie Knipfing |
Birth Date | 17 November 1974 |
Birth Place | Mineola Of New York City |
Age | 49 Years Old |
Height | 5 Feet 8 Inches |
Net Worth | $1.5 Million |
Profession | Charity even manager |
Father | Joseph Valentine Knipfing |
Mother | Janet Knipfing |
Brother | Gary Valentine and Kevin James |
Marital Status | Single |
Nationality | United State Of America |
Residence | USA |
Who is Leslie Knipfing?

Leslie Knipfing is an American citizen who is well-known as the sister of actors and comedians Kevin James and Gary Valentine. Both James and Valentine are famous for their performing roles in The King of Queens.
Besides comedy and acting, James went on to become a producer, screenwriter, and singer.
People who love Kevin and Gary are always bizarre to know about Leslie Knipging. Regardless, Leslie Knipfing stays quite mysterious about her lifestyle.
Leslie Knipfing hasn’t preferred the career path as her siblings which is why she has averted the limelight for so long.
Leslie Knipfing is of German and American destruction as her father, Joseph is a German-American. She carries an American nationality.
Early Life of Leslie Knipfing
Leslie Knipfing wаѕ bоrn Ѕhе wаѕ bоrn оn 17th Nоvеmbеr оf 1974 іn Міnеоlа оf Nеw Yоrk Сіtу, Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ оf Аmеrіса.
As far as her birthday is pertained to, her exact birthday is not recognized as of yet. Meanwhile, as per the references, she was born in 1967 in Mineola, New York, the United States. So, as of 2022, she is 48 years old.
Her раrеntѕ, fаthеr Јоѕерh Vаlеntіnе Кnірfіng, whо іѕ рrоfеѕѕіоnаllу аn оwnеr оf аn іnѕurаnсе аgеnсу аnd mоthеr Јаnеt Кnірfіng, а hоmеmаkеr.
Leslie Knipfing іѕ nоt а ѕіnglе сhіld аѕ ѕhе hаѕ twо brоthеrѕ nаmеd Кеvіn Јаmеѕ аnd Gаrу Јоѕерh Кnірfіng. Неr fаmіlу іѕ knоwn tо hаvе Gеrmаn аnсеѕtrу, аnd thе fаmіlу оf fіvе lіvеd tоgеthеr іn Nеw Yоrk іtѕеlf.
Leslie Knipfing and both of her brothers were put forward catholic.
Details about her academic background are not accessible online, however, as she was raised catholic, we presume she surveyed at a catholic school.
Leslie Knipfing Age
Leslie Knipfing is currently 48 years old as of 2023 because she was born on November 17, 1974.
In her younger years, she witnessed her siblings’ rise to fame in the entertainment industry, and while they pursued careers in comedy and acting, she chose a more private life, avoiding the spotlight.
Leslie Knipfing Career

Leslie Knipfing had first wished to work in the film industry. Unfortunately, this could not go on because of a genetic illness called Retinitis Pigmentosa. This condition undermines her eyesight, making it tough for her to work adequately.
Leslie Knipfing, unlike her two famous brothers, has never conducted a film. Kevin George Knipfing, aka Kevin James, is one of her brothers who has seemed in several films as of 2022.
Including Hitch, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Grown Ups, Zookeeper, Here Appears the Boom, Paul Blart: Mall Cop and its sequel, Pixels, Hotel Transylvania, Monster House, and others.
In these films, Leslie’s brother has humorous, enthusiastic, and voice-over roles.
Leslie Knipfing and her other brother, Gary Joseph Knipfing, aka Gary Valentine, have also served with Kevin in films such as Stuck on You, Jack and Jill, Wrong, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Zookeeper, Home Team, The Dog Who Devoted the Holidays, The Dog Who Saved the Summer, and others.
Still, Leslie deals with one of his brothers’ charities. She also occurs with Kevin James in public, raising beliefs that she could be his assistant too.
Leslie Knipfing is irrelevant to Leslie Bibb, but their first names are identical enough to cause misconception. Knipfing is not related to Leslie Bibb, an American actress, and model.
But she has occurred in several films along with her brother, Kevin James. Kevin George Knipfing is his birth name, although he goes by this name.
Leslie Knipfing Bibb worked together with Knipfing’s brother on the film Zookeeper, broadcasted in theatres worldwide in 2011.
Leslie Knipfing, unlike her brother Kevin, is not an American actress. Leslie Knipfing, as formerly stated, is not an actress, but Leslie Bibb is.
As an outcome, Leslie Bibb is the only actress who occurred in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s initial movie, Iron Man, in 2008.
And it’s the series Iron Man 2, in 2010 and 2021. She also appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s television series What If…? a vibrant sequel unlike any other.
Leslie Knipfing Awards
Leslie Knipfing has had a greatly prosperous career, earning a couple of awards and nominations for his extraordinary acting talent.
She is best known for his contribs to The King of Queens (1998–2007).
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009), Zookeeper (2011), Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015), and Kevin Can Wait (2016–2018).
Leslie Knipfing Personal Life
Leslie Knipfing has constantly been a relatively private person. She is yet to publish anything about her love life or family.
Her manifestations in public do not tell much about her. Moreover, she is not very active in social media strategies.
Since Leslie has retained her life under the media radar, many aspects of her career and livelihood remain a mystery.
However, some online sources have documented she helps in the insurance agency that her father organized.
Besides, she reportedly acts as a charity events executive for her brother Kevin James. Yet, she also helps in putting up funds for people suffering from eye disease, HIV, and cancer.
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Leslie Knipfing Net Worth
With an estimated net worth of $1.5 million as of the year 2023.
Yet, Mainly her decent earnings come with the additional brands she endorses, The Charitable organizations she runs, And other such recommended deals.
Leslie Knipfing has organized her wealth herself as she is the well-known sister of two comedians and the brother of a writer.
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Physical Appearance
Leslie Knipfing іѕ 5 feet 8 inches which is equal to 172 сm or 1.72 m tаll, ѕhе wеіghѕ аbоut 143lbѕ іn Роund аnd 65 kg іn Кіlоgrаmѕ.
Неr еуе соlоr іѕ Lіght brоwn аnd hаіr соlоr іѕ Вlоndе.
Here, We share Leslie Knipfing in the article. We hope you enjoyed reading her biography.
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